
December 25, 2014

I just wanted to take a moment, in between a toast, in between a slice of dark chocolate fruit cake and a bite of teddybear-shaped marzipan, to wish you a very Merry Christmas, if you are celebrating, or simply Happy Holidays, if you prefer. I captured a few of my favourite details around my parents' house this season, some new and some long time classics, some bought and some made. Many of my favourites are handmade by my mom, who is slowly over taking the Christmas tree. Cheers to you, as 'tis the season!


  1. Yum, those bagels look incredible. Looks like you have a lot of snow. It's warm and rainy at Brent't parents, so basically feels like we're back in Seattle. Glad you are having a good time! See you soon.

    1. I wish I could bring those bagels back home with me! They really are the best. We had some snow a few days ago, but it's been warm/rainy since yesterday, probably similar to the weather you're having. Still counts as a white Christmas though. Hope you are having a good visit, see you next week!

  2. Merry Christmas! Looks like you are having a wonderful day celebrating!

    1. Thanks, hope you are enjoying the celebrations too, Merry Christmas!


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